Monday, August 9, 2010

My Puzzle Ring: A Ring with a Riddle

Was with a friend on Saturday, intending to have tea when we passed a little antique shop. It called out to me from the display cabinet, a little antique silver ring that had 2 chinese bats flanking a chinese character "Shou" meaning longevity. Will go well with my Shanghaitang pieces... I thought. Little did I know what I was getting myself into after the purchase.

It is a chinese antique puzzle ring! My friend commented. You can take it apart and assemble it, she spoke with absolute ease and confidence! My friend has one and she plays with it all the time... (as if it was as easy as lego!)

I was under the impression that it was not rocket science... not be a mean feat, I thought to myself. Afterall, I fancied myself as someone with a little brains. 9 Hours and a completely ruined, 2 day old french manicure later, (with lots of help from a cyber expert, I confess!) I finally managed to reassemble the ring! After that, I was so exhausted that I couldn't blog, I visited my spa instead.

It took 5 seconds to take it apart but buckets of sweat and almost tears to put it together. I have to say thanks to Their solutions were really helpful in my figuring out how to reassemble my new toy! Yet another place I will be looking to shop!

From the photos, you can see that though mine is also a puzzle ring but it is somewhat more fancy! For those of you who would like to give this a try, it is fun but I would like to add that you would like to make sure that you have made an appointment with your manicurist shortly after.

Background of the Puzzle Ring: To Stop Cheating Spouses!!!

The puzzle ring was developed from gimmal rings which derive their name from the Latin word gemelli, meaning "twins". Gimmal rings were mainly used as wedding rings because the wearer could not cheat on their spouses without taking the ring off first and then putting it back together afterward. Provided the cheating spouse can put it together to begin with! - (Source: Wikipedia)

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